b'KAUAI FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONOption 1KFCU ColorsNative PlantsKALUKALU AT 1624Welcome to a New Era in Community-Based BankingA prized native grass endemic to Hawaii, Kalukalu represents excellence in the care of the ina and its people, and the credit SIGNAGE unions intention to return Kauai to an era ofTo steward a cooperativeSIGNAGE Put your moneyBank Local community that honorsBank Localclimate, culture andwhere your heart is, #BankLocalabundance, in harmony with nature. Thought tocommunity. Kapaabe nearly extinct, its revitalization as a symbol of resilience bridges past to present and signifies an abiding love for the natural environment. Kalukalu at 1624 invites a confluence ofideas, perspectives and resources to a pioneering cooperative space,grounding a shared intention to return to a thriving past. OUR PURPOSE6'