b'PR COMMITTEE REPORTThe Public Relations Committee met last in November of 2023, where we walked through the PRC agreement for volunteers, reviewed the marketing strategies and community partner-ships, and are fully committed to serving our Kauai FCU members.In the spring of 2023, the Public Relations Committee judged the scholarship applications of high school graduates and returning college students and awarded $10,000 to support the students\' nancial assistance in pursuing college and returning students to further their edu-cation. Tyler Tanaka was a returning recipient last year. He was a senior from Waimea High School in 2023 and continued to college. Other recipients included Jadelyn Reynolds, Samaria Kelley, Emma Burgess, John Steinhorst, Emeli Rubel, Uakea Jose, Linda Iwamoto-Kaauwai, and Ethan Yamamoto.In July of 2023, the PRC team and many members of the Kauai Credit Unions joined forces to volunteer to pack and distribute the school supplies at Kukui Grove\'s annual "Back to School Bash." It was a huge success and continues to grow each year.During August of 2023, the PRC focused efforts to support the victims of the Maui community affected by the devastating res of Lhaina. Kauai FCU partnered with the Ocean Safety Bureau, Hawaii Lifeguard Association, and Hawaii Lodging Association. Business Develop-ment Ofcer Chantal Zarbaugh ew over to assist and work at the community hub with Uncle Keamoku and Auntie Ui to bring 14 boxes of supplies for Maui re survivors. For International Credit Union Day in October, the Kauai FCU PRC put together a coloring contest for 3rd graders from Wilcox and Klauea Elementary Schools. The Lhue branch displayed the youth\'s coloring sheets during the ICU week, while Jamilee and Lexi connected with members within the Lhue Kauai FCU branch. They awarded the young artists 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Members enjoyed seeing the keiki\'s artistic visions, and members visit-ing the branches were offered coffee, donuts, and their choice of Kauai FCU swag.Lastly, in December, members of Kauai FCU staff and PRC hosted a young makers fair at the new Kapaa location named Kalukalu at 1624 (Former Otsukas) to showcase the young entre-preneurs and invite the conversation of boosting keiki accounts. It was a big success and has brought a discussion surrounding the building and the future endeavors of Kauai FCU on the east side.Thank you to Kauai Federal Credit Union members for your unwavering support and for making this your nancial institution. We are honored and proud to serve you.Lexi JonesChairperson, Public Relations Committee'