Kaua‘i’s First Community
Development Credit Union
When we invest our own resources into our local businesses, we create a self-sustaining cycle of economic independence. Resources recirculate across our island, forming a model of regenerative wealth.
Our Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) certification by the US Treasury creates access to a lifeline of mission driven funding for families and small businesses on Kaua‘i. As the first and only CDFI on Kaua‘ i, we are pioneering a new path to help the island economy survive and thrive.
What it Means To Be A CDFI
Leveraging federal capital to grow our island economy

Mission Driven
As a mission-driven financial institution, we are dedicated to providing services to meet the needs of economically disadvantaged individuals within underserved communities.

Access to CDFI Fund
CDFIs have access to the US Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund—known as the CDFI Fund.

Promoting Local Economy
By committing to bank local, we support the ‘aina that sustains us. True economic health starts with embracing the unique contribution of every member of our community.
Rent Relief and Housing Stability
In partnership with the County, we have deployed over $22 million in CRUA .

How CDFIs Benefit Communities
Take a look at the different ways we bank local

Increasing Access
We connect underserved conmmunities with access to funding which translates into extending resources for families and businesses pursuing goals such as home ownership and business growth.

Building Capital
Providing access to capital for our local community allows us to build a strong economic foundation. As loans are obtained and repaid, our pool of Kaua‘i-based funding grows exponentially.

Economic Independence
When we invest our own resources into our local businesses, we create a self-sustaining cycle of economic independence. Resources recirculate across our island forming a model of regenerative wealth.
Rise to Work
The Rise to Work program was created in 2020 to help Kaua‘i residents who lost their jobs due to the pandemic connect to temporary job opportunities with local employers.

Finding Common Ground
At Common Ground, CDFI funding supports a tropical agroforest with multiple tiers of crops, from ‘ulu (breadfruit) to kava, leading to greater biodiversity and more resilience, especially in the face of climate change

Learn More About CDFIS?
Interested in learning more about CDFI’s? Go to the national CDFI Page here